Rev Fr Engelbert Frohn, C.SS.R. (†1900)
When the Redemptorists were suppressed in Germany, and the Fathers forced to leave their monasteries and churches, many of these victims of Bismarck’s hatred of the Catholic Church were welcomed and received in the monasteries in Ireland, England, and Scotland.
One of the first to arrive was Father Frohn. This was in 1873. He was then a young man, not more than two years a priest. At first he was attached to the Perth Community, Scotland, and at once set himself to learn English with characteristic earnestness and perseverance. That his efforts were soon rewarded with success, is clear from the fact that in a short time he was able to go on the Missions given by the Fathers in Scotland, and in the towns of Northern England. This was the beginning of upwards of twenty-five years of apostolic work in those countries and in Ireland.
We find him a member of the Community at Limerick, Ireland, towards the end of 1876, and he continued to take part in the Missions given from this house until the close of the year 1880, when he was transferred to Bishop Eton; the chronicles add: “to the great regret of his confreres at Limerick.” He was not again attached to the Limerick house, though he often worked afterwards on the Irish Missions.
Father Frohn became a master of the English language, and was possessed of considerable powers as a Mission preacher. His charitable and cheerful spirit made him ever an agreeable companion, while his unmistakeable love for the people of this country, whose devotion to the Holy Faith he admired so much, was a means in his hands that enabled him to do much good for souls.
For the three years previous to his return to Germany, Father Frohn was Novice Master. During his term of office the Novitiate was changed from the Redemptorist Monastery at Bishop Eton, Liverpool, to that of Perth. When the German Fathers were again admitted to their houses he was recalled, but died two years later as Rector of Bochum 4th of January 1900. †
One of the first to arrive was Father Frohn. This was in 1873. He was then a young man, not more than two years a priest. At first he was attached to the Perth Community, Scotland, and at once set himself to learn English with characteristic earnestness and perseverance. That his efforts were soon rewarded with success, is clear from the fact that in a short time he was able to go on the Missions given by the Fathers in Scotland, and in the towns of Northern England. This was the beginning of upwards of twenty-five years of apostolic work in those countries and in Ireland.

Father Frohn became a master of the English language, and was possessed of considerable powers as a Mission preacher. His charitable and cheerful spirit made him ever an agreeable companion, while his unmistakeable love for the people of this country, whose devotion to the Holy Faith he admired so much, was a means in his hands that enabled him to do much good for souls.
For the three years previous to his return to Germany, Father Frohn was Novice Master. During his term of office the Novitiate was changed from the Redemptorist Monastery at Bishop Eton, Liverpool, to that of Perth. When the German Fathers were again admitted to their houses he was recalled, but died two years later as Rector of Bochum 4th of January 1900. †