Saturday 4 April 2009

Rev. Fr Joseph Coppin, C.SS.R. (1840 - 1915)

This death notice was found in the papers of Fr Joseph Coppin, C.SS.R., upon his death in 1915. It is a fitting tribute to the life of a priest, who so lived in the light of eternity that he was able to write the text of his own mortuary card.

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto!

Praise, thanksgiving, love and glory to Jesus Christ my Redeemer; to Mary Immaculate, Who inspired in me the devotion to Her Dolours, Who put me on the way of salvation; to Saint Joseph my beloved patron and protector; to the Holy Angels who I have never invoked in vain; to St Alphonsus, St Gerard, St Teresa and St Mary Magdalene who have aided me on the road of piety.

Born at Hansinelle of Christian parents on 27 May, 1840, I languished in this vale of tears for nearly three-quarters of a century. I entered eternity on...27 November, our monastery at Tournai. O Eternity, forgotten and fearful mystery, how little one thinks about thee.

I received the priesthood on 19 December, 1863. “The dignity of the priest is great, but great is the responsibility,” said St Lawrence Justinian.

I made my religious vows in the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer on 8 December, 1872. Blessed are those who are called to live in the house of the Lord!

I ask of all those who wished to offer me a little affection in my mortal life to say three times the Gloria Patri to thank God for the graces He gave me and in reparation for the harm I caused to the glory of the Lord, Who should be dear to us above all.

I hope to meet you in Paradise. Pray for me. †

J. Coppin, C.SS.R.
(Translated from Father's mortuary card.)

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